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Pig farming in Nigeria

Pig farming in Nigeria is becoming very popular day by day. It is a wonderful business idea and very profitable. You can get return of your total investment within very short time. Pig farming is very easy and pig meat has a huge global popularity. This is the main reason of increasing this business in Nigeria. The economy of Nigeria is mostly dependent on agriculture. And various types of agri business related to agriculture sector are contributing much to the national income and total economy of Nigeria. Along with traditional business ideas, pig farming in Nigeria can play an important role in eradicating unemployment, poverty, nutrition lacking and many more. By raising pigs commercially, you can both fulfill your family nutrition demands and earn some extra cash.
Advantages of Pig Farming in Nigeria

There are many advantages of pig farming in Nigeria. Here I am describing the main advantages of commercial pig farming business in Nigeria.
  • The reproduction period and system of pig is faster than any other livestock like cattle or goats.
  • Pig can convert more energy/nutrient into protein and as a result they grow faster than cattle, goats or other livestock animals.
  • Pigs can survive and produce more by consuming little amount of low quality foods. You can feed them roughage, kitchen garbage, agricultural waste etc. for the purpose of reducing feeding cost.
  • Need less amount of investment. Although, investment depends on the size of your farm.
  • Many Nigerians are experiencing malnutrition problem due to absence of sufficient protein in their regular food. By raising pigs, we can meet up this demand.
  • A large amount of daily necessary protein derives from plant and a little amount from animals. Animal protein is very essential for human body because of it’s high biological value and contains the building stones for good health and proper growth. By raising pigs, we can easily meet up this demand.
  • A sow generally give birth of piglets twice a year. Each time they give birth of 10 piglets (sometimes more). And the gestation period is not more than 115 days. So, you can go for large scale commercial production within very short time if you start with few pigs.
  • Weather condition and geographical location of Nigeria is very suitable for pig farming.
  • Very profitable business idea with great ROI (Return of Investment) ratio.

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